
ARMTV » Мер тахи тхерк » Мер тахи тхерк [1 - 168]

Мер тахи тхерк [1 - 168]

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Мер тахи тхерк [1 - 168]
Год выпуска: 2021
Категория: Мер тахи тхерк
Режиссер: Елена Аршакян
Актеры: Мери Акопян, Этери Восканян, Арсен Левонян, Айк Петросян, Татев Мелконян, Эрвин Амирян, Телман Хачатрян
Страна: Армения


Мер тахи тхерк 1 - 168 серия

Мер тахи тхерк [1 - 168] смотреть онлайн бесплатно в высоком качестве

Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#106 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 15 сентября 2022 14:12
The best performance here was given by Ashot's actor.

The prettiest and talented actress here is Alice's actress.
#105 Armish Гости 15 сентября 2022 02:24
Es xndrum em,,Mer taxi  txerqy,, serialnery mi aydqan dzgdzgeq,aravel evs mer aysorva pajmannerum,arden darcrel eq dedektiv janr,inci eq mardkanc antexi nyardaynacnum,vortex eq tesel noracnvacin goxanan,mi normal syuje ceiq karox mtacel,aranc ayn el nyarder cka,hima incin eq spasum...
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#104 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 14 сентября 2022 15:41
Oh my,
what a sick fantasy has script writer and producer,
makes me sick!!!!
In your blood must be Turkish drops of blood.

you can delete my comments as much as you want.
But you are disgrace to Armenian people.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#103 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 14 сентября 2022 14:35
Etery jan, can you play any other character except "Baxtaber"?
Looks like the entire serial was about you: your mistakes, your brainlessness 
and the most importantly, you are loved and worshipped no matter what you do.
Next time get a better, kinder, smarter, role to play.
In all serials you are bringing unhappiness to all.
And you play it well, perhaps even enjoying it.
Sorry for my honesty.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#102 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 13 сентября 2022 15:27
Were matching earings from Raf too?
#101 Armin Гости 13 сентября 2022 14:30
Hendkakan kinoyic el khayrarak vatena amota 
#100 Anony Гости 12 сентября 2022 17:29
tenc el gitey vor Ashote erexun goxanaluya u mi nor himmarutyun lini inchpes misht
#99 Armin Гости 12 сентября 2022 16:45
Inchpisi anhetetutyun..
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#98 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 12 сентября 2022 15:14
Guest Nora,
For money scenarist will sell his own baby.
This looks like Diana Grigorian's script, immoral, killing, stealing, deceiving and all "good" stuff.
Guest Nora
#97 Guest Nora Гости 12 сентября 2022 12:40
Es boxokumem u pahanjum es stor senaristnerin vor ser hivand karj xelkov mi ogtagorsek norasin yerexanerin ser ejanagin u anvorak kinonerum uxaki amote u mexk 
#96 Anony Гости 10 сентября 2022 10:32
Let me guess. Ashot going to kidnap Artur’s son I’m pretty sure that’s why they keeping the baby in the hospital…
#95 Anony Гости 8 сентября 2022 11:37
Ani heriqa paravi shorerov man gas. 3 angam mec razmeri shorert hani, ahavora
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#94 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 7 сентября 2022 14:19
Himarutyunnere sharunakvum en...............

Why my comment is not posted?
Did I offend anyone?
I don't think so
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#93 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 7 сентября 2022 13:45
Masha is speaking like grown up and now she is dressed up like 25 yr old girl.
She is very unpleasant and so is Ani.

Yetery fix your teeth that you don't have to hide them, and you will be able to close your mouth without any efforts.
Otherwise, you are very good looking, though untalented "actress".
#92 Georgii1976 Гости 7 сентября 2022 13:00
 Можно с русским переводом.
#91 Anony Гости 2 сентября 2022 13:49
How come Raf always ends up in jail for things he didn’t do or had the right to do while Ashot does all this threatening and kidnapping but yet walking free on the streets. This movie became boring nothing good or exciting happening. I don’t even gotta watch the movie because Anons and full movie is same shit without extra scenes lol
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#90 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 1 сентября 2022 17:17
Asem produser jan,
Hajord CHP klini vor Ashote goxana Arturi erexain hivandanocic.
Am I right?

Why wasn't my comment posted?
There was nothing insulting to anyone.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#89 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 1 сентября 2022 16:44
Inchu Arturin u Rafin himar en nerkayacnum?
Nrank arden piti fahmein vor yerb Ashote zangum e, petk e dzainagren nra asacnere,
baic mer txanere Aniic himar en?
#88 Ana Гости 1 сентября 2022 07:57
Come on break the glass ! Dear director or writer come on
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#87 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 30 августа 2022 13:40
It is turning into a monkey business.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#86 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 23 августа 2022 15:21
Believe it or not, there are educated people in the audience.
Do some few minutes research dear producer or however......
Go to hospital and see how this kind of medical procedures are performed,
This looks like it was done in someone's garage by 3 shef povars, not professional doctors.
What a shame!
#85 Moli Гости 22 августа 2022 22:16
El mardoe najele chi galis es inch ek darchrel 
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#84 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 22 августа 2022 13:40
you finally decided that script would change to make Ani with brains and advising others,
making decisions, leading the serial.
You forgot that only stupid woman can watch (letting Alice to come down on stairs alone)
how Alice is falling down on stairs.
No need to bring the baby's birth in tragedy just to prolong the serial.
Find another way, like Ani is being raped by Ashot.
Such a disgrace has become this serial.
#83 Smoki Гости 19 августа 2022 07:48
Only Ashot can destroy Ashot 💪
#82 SISI Гости 17 августа 2022 15:50
#81 Ana Гости 11 августа 2022 21:36
Stop this mafia act, we are sick and tired of this killing each other, 
Lav txa
#80 Lav txa Гости 11 августа 2022 06:59
Privet Ashot. 
Brat ari tsov, Tuapsé. Hervits nayenk srank irar uten 
#79 Sisi Гости 8 августа 2022 16:53
#78 NARINE GASPARYAN Гости 4 августа 2022 02:20
Ани глупая девочка и играет как дурочка. Что за сценарии. Ужас кошмар и в полиции. Хватит уже дурит людям головы. Заканчивте уже
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#77 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 2 августа 2022 23:49
Producers decided that Ani finally should start using her brain and become a major 
decision maker in the matter.
Every time she opens her mouth I want to say "Baxtaber, it is always about you and your needs".
You dont even care how many people suffered because of your stupidity and selfishness.
But if producers decided that the beauty justifies all.......so be it.
BTW, Alice is prettier than Ani.

Es inch anirnal rezisora, vons Karelia eskan irar chbrnox fakter nkarel, kinoye kes@ hisoxutunner en, mardkans himary tex e drel, amen angam nayum em u nervaynsnum, zamanaky u nervery vatnum 
#76 Anony Гости 27 июля 2022 17:15

the detective is doing everything to keep Ashot out of jail because if he doesn’t then Ashot will snitch that they been doing a business together 
#75 Ana Гости 26 июля 2022 16:59
The detective is so stupid, he is acting weird 
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#74 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 21 июля 2022 15:42
Anin mish professor e: "Es urish tarberak chunei, chunem".
Verche Anin caxec Rafin, iren hetevum ein, baic......Anii uxexe misht shat nerkevum e.......

Miak prkutyune ais seriali Ashoti xelagarveln e.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#73 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 18 июля 2022 14:53
Sra groxn el Dianai pes iran Shakespeare e erazum.

Erevi petk er vor Arture komai mech mna.
Aniin el mi dzevov komai mech dnein, lav kliner.
Anin u Arture mish irenc himarutyunov bolori kyanke djoxk en darcnum.
Baic aranc himar kerparneri Karj u hetakrkir kliner, vore haikakan cher lini.
#72 Guest Гости 13 июля 2022 23:21
Karces Diana Grigoryany lini scenaristy, lav serial er bayc pchacrin. 
#71 Anony Гости 13 июля 2022 00:36
Guest Elizabeth Kademian,
I must’ve missed it because i fast forward sometimes lol but today when Raf was remembering i seen it…
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#70 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 12 июля 2022 09:31
They were in bed undressed.
What do you think they were doing?
Checking if all parts of bodies are present?
#69 Anony Гости 11 июля 2022 16:13
Guest Elizabeth Kademian,
Did they sleep together?
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#68 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 11 июля 2022 13:26
I hope she will be pregnant, and he will be in jail. Baxtaber.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#67 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 11 июля 2022 13:04
It is disgusting to watch Any and Raf's love scene 2 days after Koper's death.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#66 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 6 июля 2022 18:02
Here we go again. Ani is always stupid.
I hope Ashot will not kill Seta. That will be too much.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#65 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 6 июля 2022 17:40
Wow, producers decided that Ani should and can use her small brain.
Only after Koper's death. 
Way to go "Baxtaber". Now you can even plan and advise others.
Lav Txa
#64 Lav Txa Гости 5 июля 2022 17:30
Es Raff lriv bonj@ dartsel. Ashoti baboi vra danak @ pahum
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#63 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 29 июня 2022 21:31
Yay, "Baxtaber" you did it again.
You play the same character so well that you always get to play it.

I don't understand why Raf is not telling that Ashot shot Arthur.
They want him to be free to continue his evil to stretch the serial.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#62 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 28 июня 2022 13:31
Is it customary in Armenia to allow prisoner to keep the cellphone that he can operate from jail sell?
Not to mention that all prisoners are wearing designer cloths.
Is jail providing them with designer clothes?

It is not necessary to show Ani's so called "regrets" and "sufferings".
Waste of serial.
#61 Anony Гости 27 июня 2022 12:44
I still don’t get why did they had to kill Koper :( i hope Ani moves so far that no one can find her and rots alone…
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#60 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 24 июня 2022 20:33
It's amazing how (as always) producers and writers decide that two worthless, spoiled kids Artur and Ani can make all wrong things and yet live happily ever after on other's account.
Koper and Seta, both orphans, have no right to be happy, (they either die or pay for Ani and Artur's mistakes),
because they are the best friend anyone can dream about, and they are the best human beings.
Raf will forgive Ani (he should not). 
From the beginning all was about Artur's and Ani's stupidity and carelessness (like all rich and protected kids).
It is a tragedy; I don't know what we should teach our youth.
To be like Ani and Artur?
Or to be like Ashot?
Never be like Koper?
They (producer and writer) should not kill Koper, they should NOT !!!!
I am very disappointed...............

#59 Anony Гости 20 июня 2022 18:06
I come here to read comments and y’all make me laugh 😆 baxtaber Ani
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#58 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 20 июня 2022 13:46
Inch lava Aniin taran.
Mi kani seria tox bacarai.

Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#57 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 17 июня 2022 22:18
Ani didn't learn her lesson; she still makes a stupid decision because she is a "Baxtaber".
I hope they take her to Ashot and Ashot rapes her as rightful owner of Ani. 

#56 Anony Гости 15 июня 2022 14:58
Anin voncor shshmac hav lini

Hete misht mexm en xosum dra hamar el debila mecanum. 
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#55 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 9 июня 2022 15:06
Shat lav e vor Anin chi karox amusnanal Rafi het te che Anin mist inknaglux eshutyun piti ani.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#54 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 7 июня 2022 13:26
Vai Ani jan, du mish "baxtaber" es. 
Baic miain kez hamar.
Lav txa
#53 Lav txa Гости 2 июня 2022 16:48
Shnorhavor Ashot jan. Positive tsragir @
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#52 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 1 июня 2022 13:46
Ete Anin esh chliner seriale cher sharunakvi. 
Anin tox gna zaks, heto Ashote iravunk kunena Aniin brnabarel.
Gone Rafe kazatvi esh kin unenaluc, is Anin noric "Baxtaber" klini.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#51 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 31 мая 2022 16:17
Ani is always "Baxtaber". Lol
Anfdo Hambarcumyan
#50 Anfdo Hambarcumyan Посетители 31 мая 2022 08:06
Mer texi txerqi scenaristy hogebujaranic dursa grvel u miangamic sksela scenary grel 😂😂 esinch xarna ov um ases spanec ov um het ases qnav kesicel meracnernen verakendananum 😂
Tryapka > Ashot
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#49 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 30 мая 2022 14:42
Ani is an idiot. Ashot is smart SOB. 
Raf is very unlucky to love Ani and being neighbor to get worse in life because of Ani's family.
Arthur is another idiot, spoiled and dumb.
What a tragic serial that many people should die before justice is served.
But the show must go on........
#48 Maro Гости 27 мая 2022 18:45
Ashot is the Beast and Ani is the Beauty
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#47 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 25 мая 2022 12:50
If Ani told her father who had killed Noro, or if told Koper, Ashot would be in trouble
and Moso would know who's side to take.
But Ani is loved by everyone just acting as a kind person and in the same time
she demanding that no one keeps secret from her.
Yet, she keeps more secrets from all.
Is it because she is stupid or perhaps she likes being abused by Ashot? 
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#46 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 19 мая 2022 14:01
It is so funny that Malayan being a smart man had 2 idiot kids, Arthur and Ani.
Every single decision made by Ani and Arthur is disastrous. 
I guess, it is because they always had everything and were always protected.
#45 Anony Гости 18 мая 2022 16:00
I can’t believe Ani doesn’t think about doing one smart thing. Turn on your damn phone and record the conversations between Ashot. 
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#44 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 18 мая 2022 14:56
Anin knnichi mot er. Inchu chasec vor Ashote iran zangum e u sparnum? Inchu chasec vor Noroin Ashotn e spanel tvel? Papandzvela eli?
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#43 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 17 мая 2022 16:26
Ani is like Mariam in "Baxtaber" serial where, because of her, everyone around her either dying 
or getting into some kind of tragedy.
But at the end Ani, Like Meriam, is a winner.

Es seriale joke e.
Ashoti mi xoskic bolorin brnum en, isk Anin toxnum e vor Ashote sharunaki.
Maybe Anin edpesov iran lav e zgum? Inchu Knnichin chi asum Ashoti zangeri masin? Sirum e Ashotin? Maybe.
#42 Bea Гости 17 мая 2022 14:25
Es xexj Aniin inchu ek eskan himar nerkayaznum, es texnikayi darum che karox dzaynagri Ashoti xosakzutyuner kam el amenakaror Ashot vor bolorin spanelov mana galis u voch vok dzain che hanum, himarutyun!!
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#41 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 16 мая 2022 14:21
Ani is complete idiot. She never tells anyone about Ashot's calls, thinking that she is smart.
In reality, she is plain stupid. And this show goes on thanks to Ani's stupidity.
#40 Ana Гости 12 мая 2022 13:22
Why the police doesn’t verify where all of them were
#39 Ламара Гости 9 мая 2022 14:00
 Мер таги тганер@
Как можно было такой хороший фильм испортить,такие хорошие актори вроде и смысл фильма хороший но зачем надо так его растянуть неужели вам количисто больше интересует чем качество
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#38 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 1 мая 2022 15:58
He got bribe from Ashot.
#37 Ana Гости 1 мая 2022 13:00
I knew it , katchadoryan is going against magich , he is working with ashod to get rid of ani’s dad
#36 Всего Гости 29 апреля 2022 05:26
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#35 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 28 апреля 2022 14:39
Oh my, Ani, the stupidest person, is demanding explanations from her father !
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#34 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 21 апреля 2022 16:59
Alice jan, you are a very good-looking woman and you have always been wearing your hare beautifully.
I don't understand why on your brother's wedding you have decided your hair should look the ugliest and tasteless.
Long horse tail on your face.

#33 Jane Гости 16 апреля 2022 12:05
Эта Нина, как снежная королева 
Lav txa
#32 Lav txa Гости 7 апреля 2022 16:26
Ova Ashoti derkatar? 
Haigouhi Azatian
#31 Haigouhi Azatian Гости 5 апреля 2022 16:27
Qo arace shad  sxal e, shat sxal e erel

Inchou es soud  xosoum, ha
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#30 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 5 апреля 2022 14:41
Ashote inchu e misht ororvum, kangnatz te nstatz, misht ororvum e.
Haigouhi Azatian
#29 Haigouhi Azatian Гости 4 апреля 2022 16:15
Es tzer sayde havneci

Vay dra inch sxal zzzzzzveli baner es anoum, soud xosalov
#28 Астхик Гости 2 апреля 2022 09:56
А почему 73 серии нет? 
#27 Zeze Гости 24 марта 2022 19:00
Ashotin satkacrek bolor problemnere kancni 
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#26 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 24 марта 2022 11:12
Anin karces te mist mrsum e, her nose is always red, like Rudolf the reindeer. 
#25 Саида Гости 23 марта 2022 13:55
Здравствуйте, подскажите кто в роли Влада?
#24 Валентина Гости 23 марта 2022 13:31
А где голос с утра до вечера ждём выход серии и вот тебе рас нет озвучки
#23 AnushVardanyan Посетители 20 марта 2022 21:29
Ninan misht krynknerove, ibrec harusti Kin te .......inch asem chgitem uxaki datarkutyunice kam axqat mtacelakerp

vladi axjik@ asuma erek em ekel, bayc @nkeruhin koperin asumer es 4 ora zangum em chi patasxanum

Aniin senc tgex mi qsvacreq eli inqy ahavor siruna

Anavart Chanapn aveli hetakrkirer

Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#22 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 14 марта 2022 15:14
Inchu Anii kerpare bac beran u himar en nerkayacnum?

Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#21 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 10 марта 2022 14:11
De ha, hima Ani piti mtaci vor Rafe Vladi axchka het e exel gishere u kotoshnere piti cuyc ta.
Ara vai, vai
Kenacnere kaxcranum en.
This is just a beginning of another garbage........
#20 Анна Гости 9 марта 2022 09:42
Уже не интересно смотреть
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#19 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 8 марта 2022 10:21
Looks like it Ashot's trap for Raf.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#18 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 3 марта 2022 23:02
Ashote Anii hamar bazar e anum hor het te ov aveli lavn e :inke te Rafe;
Baic Aniin harcnox chka te Anin um e sirum.
Haikakan culture darel e islamakan?
Karox e gumar el arajarki Aniin arnelu hamar?
Eh, you never know.

Rafn el iran "godfather" e zgum.
"...Che apacucem, uxxaki havatan..."
Mi kich shat chi?
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#17 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 24 февраля 2022 13:28
Anbaroyakan e ain axchike vor tuyl e talis ir che sirac txan iren dzerke brni, mazere shoyi u tevere massage ani.
Ani jan, hacheli e?
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#16 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 15 февраля 2022 14:07
I hope Anush totain chek spani.
Alis jan inch sirunes u laves xaxum
#15 Alis jan inch sirunes u laves xaxum Гости 10 февраля 2022 22:12
sireli rejiser,
 minchev tun mtnele dure petqa takel.

Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#14 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 9 февраля 2022 13:28
Vorovhetev da ira mayre chi vonc vor Ashote asec.
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#13 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 7 февраля 2022 12:41
Yeteriin chi sazum jptal, urax linel, vorovhetev vaxenum e berane baci, zzveli atamnere ereva.
Inke misht lackan der e xaxacel. Inchu eritasard derasanuhin chi uzum atamnere gexecik linen. Gumar chuni?
Isk maseri sanrvacke......karces gjanocic paxac lini. I ser Astco, mazered shnorkov saneri, please.
#12 Siranush Гости 3 февраля 2022 19:35
Ashote morits mets e erevum…….aveli hamar derasanuhi chkar?
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#11 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 25 января 2022 07:39
Es inchkan e Alice ir mazeri het xaxum, u bolor erkar maz unecox derasanuhineri amboxch ushadrutyune irenc mazern en. For God's sake, it is sickening!
#10 Аракси Гости 20 января 2022 21:53
  • после этой серии начнется все самое неинтересное
#9 Ела Гости 16 января 2022 23:02
Guest Elizabeth Kademian,
Касек ерпен гцелу 30 сериан 
#8 Ни Гости 15 января 2022 23:03
30 serian ep en qnelu
Guest Elizabeth Kademian
#7 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Гости 7 января 2022 17:17
Artun marte, ete harbac chi, gazic chi xextvi, kani vor hote karni.

Гость Karen
#6 Гость Karen Гости 4 января 2022 12:52
Ka ew naelem
#5 S Гости 4 января 2022 12:04
Knereq, bayc 22 seria um dzayn chka
#4 гость Гости 27 декабря 2021 10:59
когда выйдет 17 серия,\

#3 Луиза Гости 16 декабря 2021 09:58
Фильм шикарный
#2 Нелли Гости 15 декабря 2021 12:41
  • Алисике шат гехецик ахджик э.
как найти их
#1 как найти их Гости 1 декабря 2021 12:42
как найти их инстаграммы?