Hatuk dasaran 2 [1 - 140] ������ ������ ������ ����� Select Episode140139138137136135134133132131130129128127126125124123122121120119118117116115114113112111110109108107106105104103102101100999897969594939291908988878685848382818079787776757473727170696867666564636261605958575655545352515049484746454443424140393837363534333231302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321 There is a complaint? 1-140 episode 20 1 2 3 4 5 202 Year: 2022 Category: Hatuk dasaran County: Armenia Look Screenshots Hatuk dasaran 2 sezon 1 - 140 seria / Հատուկ դասարան 2 եթերաշրջան 1 - 140 սերիա Hatuk dasaran 2 [1 - 140] watch online for free in high quality we recommend to see Kay [1 - 1] Moxroti Yeraznery [1 - 310] Dasamijoc [1 - 83] Cov achqeri patcharov [1 - 52] Jimi-Jimi [1 - 12] Maria [1 - 51] Ser harevanutyamb [1 - 10] Bolola 3 [1 - 12] Kolektiv [1 - 1] Sirankyuni [1 - 7] Qez mot em Trchum [1 - 15] Yete yes krkin parem [1 - 17] comments Comment on Send #107 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 7 April 2023 16:01 Նելի,Oh my, not another one !!!! +1 Reply Complaint #106 Նելի Guests 7 April 2023 06:44 Հատուկ դասարանի 3-րդ եթերաշրջան։ +2 Reply Complaint #105 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 28 March 2023 11:54 Karen is moron. 0 Reply Complaint #104 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 27 March 2023 14:44 Karene covid uni? Te potoric e dasaranum? -2 Reply Complaint #103 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 13 March 2023 12:59 Marin darcel e modaik hatuk ashakertuhi.Haguste, mazere ev ailn. +1 Reply Complaint #102 Մոնիկա Guests 6 March 2023 11:16 Մերի կողքին պետք է ուրիշ տղա։ Ավելի լավը ուեղեցիկ եվ իրեն արժանի։ 0 Reply Complaint #101 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 3 March 2023 15:43 "Debilneri Dproce", better titlewhere everyone, teachers, principals, students, school district, even security, everyone is debil.tiknik Asia, when you make a dinner do you cook your hair in it for flavor, or how can you see what you are doing when you are blinded with your hair on your face.Vikka is not enough with her shaking head to move her hair...loke horse, at least she is young and brainless....But you, an old fart, trying to look young?You look like someone out of gjanoc. -3 Reply Complaint #100 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 2 March 2023 13:35 Oh my God,What a garbage serial....What is the purpose and meaning of this serial besides the commercial? -2 Reply Complaint #99 Xx Guests 28 February 2023 02:31 Dabil Karan Mariyi nman axgkan toxats gnat satana yv char Gayanayi xaxaliqa darzav moratav ir lav ankarnarin himar txa vortaxa xalqt.inch mats shrdadarz 👎😝 -1 Reply Complaint #98 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 24 February 2023 11:11 Xoske berane mnac, ktrecik.Inch rude ek. +2 Reply Complaint #97 Sherry Guests 21 February 2023 15:14 Երգն շատ լավն է՝, ով է երգում՞։ Որեվե մեկը գիտի՞, գրեք խնդրում եմ։ Hello to you my friend -4 Reply Complaint #96 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 14 February 2023 13:01 xarnel ek serialnere?It's ok, they are all same junk. -2 Reply Complaint #95 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 13 February 2023 12:23 I wonder how many hours Mary's fake mother is spending on her hair to look like 13-year-old idiot girl.Why Armenian actresses don't know where the limits are for each age and situation.Same goes for Vikki, constantly shaking her head to fly her hair.They all look the same with same hairstyle ironed on the face then, they would try to move them away but let them fall back down on their face.Oh my...... +3 Reply Complaint #94 Սամո Guests 30 January 2023 12:09 Լուսինեին թող վերադառնա եվ Մերիյին տերը կանգնի։ Կամ ասեք թե ով է Մերիյին կենսաբանական հայրը։ 0 Reply Complaint #93 Ալինա Guests 29 January 2023 05:12 Ով է Մերի կենսաբանական հայրը? Ով է Սաշի կենսաբանական մայրը եվ որտեղ է։ -3 Reply Complaint #92 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 23 January 2023 13:34 Is Lusine a Jew?Her Christmas tree looks like a Hannukah tree, blue.....Or producer is Jew, converting Armenians into Jewish? -3 Reply Complaint #91 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 12 January 2023 14:42 Noreen,Specially Markosian? In Beverly Hills? Debils like Abel, Vikka and her mother? +3 Reply Complaint #90 Noreen Guests 12 January 2023 09:59 Guest Elizabeth Kademian,It's much better than many others.It's like the Armenian version of Beverly Hills 90210. +1 Reply Complaint #89 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 11 January 2023 13:45 noreen,younger?What for?To play same garbage?This is a garbage serial.Is this school in Armenia or in some 3rd world country with fancy clothing?What is the purpose of this serial except advertisement of businesses? +1 Reply Complaint #88 noreen Guests 11 January 2023 10:48 This new student looks as if she's in her late 20's. Why couldn't they bring someone younger? -2 Reply Complaint #87 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 27 December 2022 12:57 Karenn u ira debil enkernere Garikin inknaspanutyan hascrecin mi kani zibil bijouterie hamar,Baic Sashi hetevn en mtel Nanain vrayerd anelu hamar.What a stupid serial with debil kids and debil teachers. -1 Reply Complaint #86 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 26 December 2022 13:32 Noreen,yeah, looks like Armenia is now kissing Jewish butt.That country never learned to keep its identity, Christian, first Christian country that made us always proud.First kissing up to Russia, then to US (in Armenia they barely speak Armenian, their vocabulary is full of English words with Russian accent), now it is Jewish.Even the signs on businesses are in English written with Armenian letters. MORONS!I think next, they might kiss Turkish filthy behind, you never know.....No wonder they always lose. -6 Reply Complaint #85 Noreen Guests 26 December 2022 10:03 Christmas tree with Hanukkah colors? -3 Reply Complaint #84 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 12 December 2022 17:52 I think Markosian's behavior is too much.No teacher can be as crazy as they portray here.Or maybe in Armenia there are lot of teachers like Markosian,and because of that there are lot of monkey students like Abel who is not a positive character here.I think producer should stay within the limits of acceptable.Or perhaps, producer is somewhat related with Markosian and Abel? +2 Reply Complaint #83 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 1 December 2022 15:46 Vikka jan, yete mazered tapvi, ham do kazatves shat jamanak vatnelu mazered hartukelu hamat u anendhat ibtev te yeresicd heracnelu,ham el mez hamar shat zzveli chi lini tesnel te inchkan himar u datark axchik es vor miain mazeroved es zbaxvac.Your hair looks very fake, don't try so hard to iron them on your face so you can try to remove them from your face perfectly knowing that it is coming back.You must be empty headed.Sorry, but you are the most unpleasant actress of all unpleasant actors in that cast. +2 Reply Complaint #82 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 24 November 2022 14:34 Ta Astvac es suxarikneri gorcarane varvi u el voch me tex reklam chanen.Amen -1 Reply Complaint #81 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 18 November 2022 11:58 Debilnere dproce,best title for this garbage -1 Reply Complaint #80 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 17 November 2022 12:21 Looks like Mary has a permission to dress up like her mother, not like the rest of the school. 0 Reply Complaint #79 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 11 November 2022 18:18 One has to be a genius to create such a garbage serial.Bravo ! -7 Reply Complaint #78 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 3 November 2022 11:52 Such a weird serial.Teachers are DEBIL, students are DEBIL.They should call the serial "DEBILNERI DPROCE".Armen Shaumyan,Apsos vor Նելլին voroshela 16 tarekan debil usucich ereva iren himar u tgex sanrvvackov. +1 Reply Complaint #77 Armen Shaumyan Visitors 30 October 2022 21:12 Շաաաա՜տ նմանացնում եմ «Վերջին ուսուցիչը» ֆիլմին։Սա շաբաթվա անոնսն է hatuk dasaranՇատ հավանում եմ դերասաններին, բացի Տիգրան Ներսիսյանից։ Մի տեսակ արհեստական ա խաղում, թատրոնում եմ էլ իր խաղը չեմ սիրում, բայց Նելլին հրաշալի է խաղում ցանկացած դեր։ +3 Reply Complaint #76 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 28 October 2022 12:57 Tikin Aramian, you look ridiculous and disrespectful with your new hair due.Get that broom off of your face, please. +2 Reply Complaint #75 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 17 October 2022 13:22 More negative characters to sell more commercial.Taron...... -4 Reply Complaint #74 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 12 October 2022 13:25 Arden Aramiane hame hanum e. 0 Reply Complaint #73 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 11 October 2022 13:50 Es seriali imaste etenc el ch haskaca.Erevi stexcvel e commercialneri hamar.Гарик,Also clown teacher Markosyan. +1 Reply Complaint #72 Гарик Guests 6 October 2022 14:28 Я думаю что пора прекратить присутствие Абела в этом сериале, так как этот тупой, несмешной и раздражающий юмор уже надаедает и нервирует. Он обсолютно не вписывается в общую картину с Симбой и Кареном. -1 Reply Complaint #71 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 30 September 2022 20:52 Aramian jan, you and your hair look funny and disrespectful.Get back to your respectful appearance.We like you the way you used to be.Olya's mother looks more normal than Olya who thinks the way she wears her clothes is cool.She should join her mother. -1 Reply Complaint #70 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 29 September 2022 12:48 I still don't understand why in Armenia criminal Narek who served 8 years in jail for murder is allowed or assigned to work in school.But perhaps the screenwriter thinks that criminal can educate better in "hatuk dasaran" to hate each other with passion.Russians say "vot tzebe na!"Enker Aramian looks like teenager with bad taste for hairdo. Abel is acting like an idiot.But Sindbad is complete idiot who doesn't deserve Nane's love. +3 Reply Complaint #69 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 28 September 2022 15:24 Ms. principal's character is changing from good to a regular nasty womanwho has decided to hate Sash (which I completely understand) and meddling in her daughter's life (which I resent) and trying to keep up with the latest fasionto have bunch of hair thoroughly ironed and placed over one side of her eyeglasses.She looks ridiculous. But she wants to be not just good looking, but right looking for today.She is a woman not knowing and appreciating her beauty.I am sorry for her......... -5 Reply Complaint #68 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 21 September 2022 17:26 Is it possible to make the volume of background music lower that we can hear the conversations?NO?Got it!!!Sash will never change.He is in depression not because he overrun Nane, but because everyone knows about it.And he cannot be as rotten as he used to be the way his father made him. +1 Reply Complaint #67 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 20 August 2022 00:39 That's it?When is it coming back?Or is it ever coming back? +3 Reply Complaint #66 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 11 August 2022 14:52 Es seriale lav skse, hima darcel e garage sale for commercials.This is unbelievable! +2 Reply Complaint #65 Anne Samouelian Guests 11 August 2022 13:40 I love Nelly Kheranyan’s style.😍😍 She’s very stylish. 💚🤍 +4 Reply Complaint #64 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 10 August 2022 13:32 Looks like Olya inherited her mother's gins.I wish she would stop dressing halfway.It is not cool, not fashionable, it is only sloppy and tasteless. +3 Reply Complaint #63 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 3 August 2022 13:29 Between clowns Markosian and Abel and constant advertisement of juice, chips, etc.....this serial is turning into a real garbage. +1 Reply Complaint #62 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 1 August 2022 13:24 I think Sash and Alina will make a nice couple and it might help them to get over their unhappiness.Except if Vram doesn't hurt them or might make a gang and go against everyone.To be seen....... -2 Reply Complaint #61 lana Guests 1 August 2022 11:50 Նանեի կերպարը դարձել է ամորֆ , տարօրինակ ու չնայվող: Հանուն Սմբատի մամային դեմ էլ էր գնում , բայց մի մարդու որին չէր տեսել մեկ տարի , ավելի գերադասելի ու հաճելի համարեց իր համար , քան իր համակրած տղան : Մարդիկ ընտանիքից են հրաժարվում իրենց սիրո համար , սա էլ ժամկետանց ու մոռացված ընկերոջ համար սիրելի մարդուն է իրենից հետ վանում : Անմեղսունակ պահվածք: +5 Reply Complaint #60 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 21 July 2022 17:13 Гость Anna,Markosiane arden seriali clownn e. +4 Reply Complaint #59 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 8 July 2022 15:17 I am surprised that school district will allow criminal who served 8 years in jail will be trusted to reform or to help "hatuk" kids.Is Seta out of her mind?Or better yet, are screen writers out of their mind?Maybe.Or they think that we are stupid not to see it? -4 Reply Complaint #58 Ան Guests 6 July 2022 00:04 Այնպիսի տպավորություն է,ոնց որ հայկական սերիալների ու սիտքոմերի սցենարները հովանավորներն են գրում🤦♀️ +1 Reply Complaint #57 Гость Anna Guests 4 July 2022 13:52 Markosyane arden ahavor e darcel.antexi xosum e.karoxa urishnerin durs e galis ira xaxe, baic ahavor e . shat e arden dzevavor xaxum.voncvor en banbasox paravneric lini xosalakerpe.poxeq , gone mi qich +3 Reply Complaint #56 Guest Karine Guests 29 June 2022 10:22 Amusinnerov shat lav en xaxum👍🏻 zgacvum e , vor professional derasanner en. Tigrani ev Nellii masin e xosqe.💜Abeln el e lav xaxum shat humorov txa e👍🏻 +2 Reply Complaint #55 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 28 June 2022 17:28 Moi,Looks like դու հոգեբանական խնդիրներ ունե՞ս։You are not to tell me what to do.Stay within your line and stop being rude.Anyone can have an opinion.I am not rude like you and I don't insult anyone. -1 Reply Complaint #54 Moi Guests 23 June 2022 16:22 Guest Elizabeth Kademian,Աղջիկ ջան, դու հոգեբանական խնդիրներ ունե՞ս։ Ps : we absolutely don’t care about your pessimistic opinions under each video, if you don't like it, don't watch then, no one is forcing you, thanks. -2 Reply Complaint #53 Անահիտ Guests 23 June 2022 10:05 Հատուկ դասարան +3 Reply Complaint #52 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 21 June 2022 12:35 Karen is having a nice meal with his father and nice chat.Why this meaningless, stupid and monotone background music should be so loud?Armenian serials never have appropriate background music and proper volume to allow to hear the conversation.It is better NOT to have that music at all. Can anyone in production team hear me?NO? +7 Reply Complaint #51 Donara Guests 16 June 2022 15:47 Vay es Nelli Kheranyan@ es inch havesov a xaxum havess talisa. Maladec👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 +1 Reply Complaint #50 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 15 June 2022 13:02 Haikakan serialnere amature en, chgiten inchpes avartel serian.Mardu xoske der beranum, serian verjacav, Baic hajord serian 5 rope krknvelu e naxorde.Just very unprofessional. But........who cares about quality !!!! -3 Reply Complaint #49 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 10 June 2022 14:17 I love Markosian's character.Miak lusavor kete serialum. -1 Reply Complaint #48 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 7 June 2022 14:40 If Karen transferred to so called "normal" class, the new series of problems are on horizon.Until now it was about Vikki's diary. Here come the new chapter of problems where would also bring conflicts between Melo and Karen because Olya is attracted to Karen.That will give new opportunity for Sash to do ugly things as Sash is a psychologically complexed child who has only dad's money, he has no love or normal family.Did you notice that all kids who have only mom have better life than all those who have only fathers?even if they are financially secure.The lesson is that mom can replace dad, but dad can never give the child the love that he or she needs.Exception is Mary, she is unfortunate having both parents not qualified to be parent. 0 Reply Complaint #47 Мери Guests 7 June 2022 09:45 Саш,батт инч таканкнес дууууу +3 Reply Complaint #46 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 2 June 2022 12:11 Markariani kerpare shat lavn e u derasann el hianali e xaxum. 0 Reply Complaint #45 H Guests 2 June 2022 09:54 Amenalav@ Nelli Kheranyann a xaxum❤️ -3 Reply Complaint #44 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 27 May 2022 16:36 Mi rope arach chakatin verk kar. Vikkan abes-fabes arec? -2 Reply Complaint #43 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 26 May 2022 14:40 I have always thought that Armenians are loving, caring parents.Looks like in this serial they are all monsters. +1 Reply Complaint #42 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 17 May 2022 11:58 Iskapes, amen mard petk chi vor dznox lini, nuynisk krtvac marde chi haskanum ir zavakin.2 amis e mnacel avartelun, inchu en dznoxnere characel? Vorovhetev chen sirum irenc zavaknerin. -3 Reply Complaint #41 Տա-Թեւ Guests 16 May 2022 13:52 Silva,Այո , գիտեմ , որ Տիգրանն ու Նելլին ամուսիններ են❤️ Ի դեպ՝ շատ օրինակելի։😊 +1 Reply Complaint #40 Silva Guests 16 May 2022 10:54 Տա-Թեւ,nrank irakanum amousinner en -7 Reply Complaint #39 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 10 May 2022 12:35 Mi hat el petk e "hatuk dasaran" lini anpetk cnoxneri hamar voronk irenc erexaneri kyanke pchacnum en. +3 Reply Complaint #38 Բելլլլ Guests 5 May 2022 02:39 Տիկին Նելլին կատարյալ է❤️ Չափազանց բնական խաղ… ԲՌԱՎՈ👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 0 Reply Complaint #37 Լուսինէ Guests 2 May 2022 16:18 Ընկեր Արամյանն ու Ռոբերտ Կարենիչը ծիտ զույգ եեեենն❤️🤩 +1 Reply Complaint #36 Alla Guests 1 May 2022 13:48 Տա-Թեւ,Hastat esel em ayd karciqin u iranc shat em sirumm +5 Reply Complaint #35 Տա-Թեւ Guests 1 May 2022 07:24 Դե կտեսնեք , որ Արամյանն ու Ռոբերտ Կարենիչը սիրահարվելու են իրար❤️ +7 Reply Complaint #34 Նանո Guests 29 April 2022 15:11 Վերջապես բժիշկն ու տնօրենը կհանդիպեեեն ու կսիրահարվեն❤️❤️❤️ Անհամբերությամբ սպասում եմ։ 0 Reply Complaint #33 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 29 April 2022 14:05 Երկուսով սերիալ,I think Sash maybe stole the money to blame the special class, to get them out of school.Abel thinks it could be his friend who came to school to see Abel.Sash leaves in fancy house, but we never see his parents.They just give him money and let him go wild, crazy. -1 Reply Complaint #32 Երկուսով սերիալ Guests 26 April 2022 12:47 Կարծում եմ Սաշն ա Նանեին վթարի ենթարկել։ +8 Reply Complaint #31 GarikArustamyan Visitors 25 April 2022 07:28 Erb linelu nor serian? +9 Reply Complaint #30 Гость Anahit Guests 24 April 2022 16:14 Շատտտ լավն եք բոլորտ Ամենա լավն եք💋💋💋 +4 Reply Complaint #29 Երկուսով սերիալ Guests 24 April 2022 07:29 Շաաաա՜տ նմանացնում եմ «Վերջին ուսուցիչը» ֆիլմին։Շատ հավանում եմ դերասաններին, բացի Տիգրան Ներսիսյանից։ Մի տեսակ արհեստական ա խաղում, թատրոնում եմ էլ իր խաղը չեմ սիրում, բայց Նելլին հրաշալի է խաղում ցանկացած դեր։ -1 Reply Complaint #28 Katya Guests 23 April 2022 02:37 Միլ,Inc derel vor tanen meka irar het misht nayvum en...😻❤❤❤ +5 Reply Complaint #27 Միլ Guests 22 April 2022 10:03 Բեկորների Կարենն ու Մայան… վերջապես հանդիպեցին էս սերիալում։❤️❤️❤️ +2 Reply Complaint #26 Nata Guests 22 April 2022 03:12 Vilena,Iskakanic vor chka ayd mardy bayc karcem txan asac vor gorcuxmane te inch vor tenc miban +2 Reply Complaint #25 Vilena Guests 21 April 2022 13:14 Mi harc unem En Bjshkin inchu cuyc chen talis? Kareni hory🧐 +7 Reply Complaint #24 Ան Նա Guests 20 April 2022 13:53 Տնօրենի ու Մարկոսյանի խոսակցությունը վերջն էր😂😂😂👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Ինչքան ծիծաղեցի… լավ էին խաղում👍🏻❤️🎬 +1 Reply Complaint #23 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 19 April 2022 18:54 Гость Anna,Olyan el endanur armamb lav e matucum ir dere, baic shat vat e...... ibrev te lac e linum.Srank bolore nor derasanner en vor der chgiten iskakan xaxale inche . Vochinch, ksovoren.....maybe. -2 Reply Complaint #22 Гость Anna Guests 18 April 2022 15:48 Խնդրում եմ ուշադիր նայեք, ու տեսեք Նանե արդեն քանի անգամ է ոտքերը շարժում է, պարզ երևում է, բայց ընդհանուր արմամբ լավ է մատուցում իր դերը։ +6 Reply Complaint #21 Միլենա Guests 18 April 2022 14:58 Նելլի Խերանյանը միշտ իր բարձունքում է։😍❤️Ընտիր։ Թե՜ ինքը , թե՜ իր խաղը անզուգական են։ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ +4 Reply Complaint #20 Ruzanna Guests 18 April 2022 08:19 Neli Kheranyan inc siruna gexeckuhi hayuhi ir amusnunelem shat sirum hrashq zuyger en Astvac dzez pahapan sireliners🙏🏻❤❤ +2 Reply Complaint #19 Մ Guests 16 April 2022 17:57 Melania,Ակնոցը ի՞նչ ա ձեզ խանգարում , մանավանդ , որ դրանք կերպարային են , ու դիտմամբ են կրում։ 🙄😐 +3 Reply Complaint #18 Melania Guests 16 April 2022 11:58 Aramyanin u Karapetyanin aseq et aknocnery tox hanenn -5 Reply Complaint #17 Arto Asatryan Guests 8 April 2022 12:03 Nell jan es qezi mishd shad em sire xelrem g@ qezi hamar siruns shad kuzei qezi tesnei apsos shut chem handibel qezi shad apsos janid mernim gyozal jan🔥🖤🖤🖤🖤 +8 Reply Complaint #16 Մ.Դ. Guests 8 April 2022 06:53 Իսկ դուք գիտեի՞ք , որ Նելլի Խերանյանը «Ճերմակ անուրջներ» - ի Լիլոն է։ 🥰🤍☺️ +5 Reply Complaint #15 Hersilya Guests 6 April 2022 07:58 Shat lav filme. Lav derasanakan kazm,manavand eritasard derasanner@ shat laven xaqum. +10 Reply Complaint #14 Jennifer Guests 2 April 2022 01:46 Hoyagap , geyesg 👍👏💕🇦🇲🇦🇲📗📆🖇📚📌👨🏫📍📕 0 Reply Complaint #13 Katrin Guests 2 April 2022 00:26 Bjishky hastst siraharvelu e Aramyanin❤🔥 +1 Reply Complaint #12 Xxx Guests 1 April 2022 21:56 Nellin shat lavna,manq bolors al sirom anq iran.Bayts mi morataq erexanerin inch hoyakap an xaxom,hrashali ertasardnar an,amen maka yorovi a xaxom ,shat apraq manq hpartanom anq zazanov apraq shat lav aq katarom zar dar ev shat hajoykov anq nayom ays serial.Shnorakalotyon Ani Maxaqyanin vor aysqan lav ev bovandakalit ,dasterakchakan serialnar a grom.amen or spasom anq anhampar ayet seriali totadromin.shnorakalotyn🌹🌝 +5 Reply Complaint #11 Noon Guests 1 April 2022 16:29 Լավն է շատ👍♥️Իրոք որ Նելլի Խերանյանը շաա՜տ կանացի է։ ♥️ Միշտ հիացել եմ նրա կին տեսակով։ ♥️😍😍😍 0 Reply Complaint #10 Гость Noro Guests 1 April 2022 03:51 Neli Kheranyan jan cavdd tanem shat kanacies hrashali derasanuhi sirumem qez shat misht kuzem tesnem ekrannerin +5 Reply Complaint #9 Guest Elizabeth Kademian Guests 31 March 2022 17:20 Inchu zvuke eskan vat e? +1 Reply Complaint #8 Natalie Guests 31 March 2022 12:15 Նելլի Խերանյանը մեր տան սպասված «հյուրն» է ❤️ Շատ ենք սիրում😍❤️ Ախր շատ լավն էէէէէ։👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻Guest Elen,Ed debilner@ @nkel en Tikin Aramyani hetevic😂 chimanalov vor , en myus usucichnern en vat@ , voch te tnoren@.Լավ սերիալ է ինչ-որ տեղ նաեւ հումորային , ու դեռեւս մի քիչ դետեկտիվ կա մեջը👍🏻🎬 +5 Reply Complaint #7 Հյուր Guests 31 March 2022 10:43 Նելլի Խերանյանս լրիվ ուրիշ է❤❤❤🌺🌺🌹🌹 +2 Reply Complaint #6 Guest Elen Guests 31 March 2022 03:11 Tikin Aramyan jan du hrashqess menak et debilneri vra shat chjxaynanas vor etpisi banen arel +3 Reply Complaint #5 Naira Guests 30 March 2022 14:45 Միլ,Hastat😻💛 +7 Reply Complaint #4 Միլ Guests 30 March 2022 12:49 Նելլի Խերանյանը ծիտ աաա❤️ Իր տարիքի համեմատ շատ լավ տեսք ունի։👍🏻😍😍👍🏻 +3 Reply Complaint #3 Karo Guests 29 March 2022 15:44 Es Nellin qani gnum jahelanume 🤩🖤 +7 Reply Complaint #2 Հյուր Guests 29 March 2022 12:31 Շատ հետաքրքիր է, ու շատ լավն է❤❤❤👏👏👏 +5 Reply Complaint #1 Guest Anna Guests 26 March 2022 05:23 Նելլի Խերանյանի համար եմ նայելու❤️❤️❤️😍 +7 Reply Complaint